Monday, September 30, 2019

Network Hardening

Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the workstations and laptops you need to shut down the unneeded services or programs or even uninstall them. I would also have some good anti-virus software on the workstations. You also need a hardened image for all of your workstations.To do this you need to install a new copy of the operating system and then harden it. After you have one good hardened workstation you can use it as a model for all other workstations and also laptops. For the router you definitely need to protect it from unauthorized access. The router needs to be password protected and you should periodically change that password. For the cable modem you should keep all unwanted ports closed. I would also schedule a regular scan of all the systems. Now for some of these next things I am talking about they will apply to all devices .Disable remote administration. Administration of your router / access point should be â€Å"local only†, namely, there is no reason to let people from another country access to your network hardware. If you need to make changes, you should be local to the device. Update the firmware. Believe it or not, consumer network hardware needs to be patched also. Check the support site of the vendor of the device when you get it and check for an update. Sign up for e-mail alerts for updates, if available, or check back on a regular basis for updates.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Changing Role of Women Essay

During the Victorian Era, women often were forced to squander their entire lives conforming to the normalcy of the ideal Victorian woman. Despite Ibsen’s bleak picture of how women are expected to behave, Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, focuses on female sovereignty held by women of heterogeneous socioeconomic backgrounds during the Victorian era. Through thick and thin, it is women like Mrs. Linde and Nora who carry the culture from generation to generation as oppose to men such as Torvald, who are focused solely on suppressing women’s freedoms and opportunities. Similarly, â€Å"Under the 1884 Civil Code, Mexican women had no rights; even moving required a woman to legally obtain the permission of a male guardian: father, husband, brother, or son (â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate†).† As alluded to by Coventry Patmore in his poem, â€Å"The Angel in the House†, the ideal women was expected to be submissive and devoted to her husband and family as a way to keep up appearances. Akin to their British counterparts, Mexican men during the pre-Mexican Revolution Era prevented women’s rights, allotting all home-related responsibilities to women. During times of upheaval, even when men held all of the power in both the public domain and the privacy of the home, male fragility is exposed by female sovereignty because women uphold society. Ibsen said, â€Å"A woman cannot be herself in the society of to-day, which is exclusively a masculine society, with laws written by men, and with accusers and judges who judge feminine conduct from the masculine standpoint.† Men of the Victorian Era held all of the power in both the privacy of the home and the public domain. However, even though men made decisions for society, creating laws for all its’ inhabitants, men of A Doll’s House are not only equally trapped as a result of societal expectations by gender roles, but also weak. Within his own home, Torvald treats Nora as his inferior, mirroring society’s expectations. Torvald once said, â€Å"It is already known at the bank that I mean to dismiss Krogstad. Is it to get about now that the new manager has changed his mind at his wife’s bidding.† (Ibsen, 40). The thought that others could think a woman might have power over him is terrifying to Torvald; he sees this as a great threat to his ego and status. In this traditional patriarchal run society, men are expected to provide for their family. Torvald suffers a great hardship because he is not the flawless breadwinner he should be according to society. Similarly, the men in Like Water for Chocolate are weak and naive as well in comparison to their decisive and stronger female counterparts. Pedro is a chief example of a man with a weak ego; since adolescence, Pedro is captive to his lust and passion for Tita. Unlike Pedro, the rebels and other male figures, Dr. John Brown is far more gender neutral than he is masculine, but equally insignificant. When needed most, Dr. Brown is too incompetent to heal beings such as Pedro after he is burned. It is Tita who takes action, employing techniques and remedies of her maternal grandmother in order to successful heal Pedro. It is combating the unexpected that puts willpower to the test. Society centers around those who change lives and uphold and rid of both culture and tradition; Tita conserves order, unlike men such as Torvald who made clear that he would not sacrifice his honor for the one he claims to love, society deems Nora the bad girl for leaving her husband and children. Nora’s choice to sacrifice a life with her family in pursuit of a finding her identity is beyond what her family, let alone Torvald, can understand. Nora removes herself from under the palm of her controlling husband exemplifying her sovereignty as a woman into the 20th century. Compared to this miserable Victorian image, the role of women in society today has undergone immeasurable metamorphosis. Women have more rights and social mobility than ever before. Conversely, this change has made the lives of women increasingly difficult as women seek to live free of society’s expectations as independent women pursuing their own ambitions, beliefs and identities today. By deciding to leave her family in pursuit of her own identity, beliefs and ambitions, Nora is a prime example of the modern woman. Today, women have more rights and opportunities than ever before; as a result women like Nora challenge societies pre-existing gender limitations every day. With Nora’s departure, Ibsen challenges both the normalcy of the ideal Victorian woman and societal expectations. During Victorian times, a wife’s role was to love, honor and obey her husband. Patmore writes about the â€Å"Angel† being passive and powerless, meek, charming, graceful, sympathetic, self-sacrificing, pious, and above all—pure. (Patmore). Unfortunately for Nora, in the context of the Victorian Era, her decision to leave her husband and family is considered an unforgivable scandal because women were expected to know their place. The relentless societal pressures of Victorian normalcy are what push Nora to the edge, resulting in her quest to find her identity. â€Å"Similarly, both Gertrudis and Tita reach the edge, responding to the changes of the revolution each in their own ways (â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate†).† â€Å"Gertrudis engages in acts of sexual liberation and takes flight from the home in order to participate as an active hand in the Revolution (â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate†).† â€Å"Conversely, Tita’s revolution is one far more personal and is not transparent until the next generation of women, represented by her niece, the narrator (â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate†).† â€Å"However Tita envisions a different future for the child and names her Esperanza, Hope (â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate†).† â€Å"Significantly, it is for Esperanza, and not for Tita, that the traditional happy ending is reserved (â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate†).† Women like Nora and Tita wife strive to defy pre-existing societal stereotypes and expectations for women everywhere and in the process; it makes them stronger as women. When putting gender roles into perspective, it is necessary to discern the diffusion of responsibilities among a family. Today, gender-equality has made separation of duties among men and women possible. During these eras, women were expected to be passive, powerless and self-sacrificing to their husband’s wants and needs. Men were expected to provide for their family through thick and thin, allotting a great amount of hardship to the patriarch of the home. Yet in both A Doll’s House and Like Water for Chocolate, women carry the culture and emotions of one generation to the next through a variety of mediums. Regardless of religion, race and gender, it is in the best interest of mankind to cease the suppression of humans’ rights, allotting equal freedoms and opportunities to both men and women. While patriarchal roots are deep-seeded within western politics, economics and social aspects, men, no different than women, are flawed; it is women who are the immeasurable anchor of society. References: Fadanelli, Guillermo. â€Å"La literatura a la que estamos condenados.† Unomà ¡suno (April 28, 1990):4. â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate† World Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historic Events That Influenced Them. 1999. 18 May. 2012 . â€Å"Paterfamilias.† Web. 02 June 2012. .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Managing the People Dimension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Managing the People Dimension - Essay Example The author of the essay "Managing the People Dimension" begins with that the classical theory of management was developed and started being used, during the era of the industrial revolution, in the process of fashioning solutions to due to the problems facing the factory system. The main themes of the theory include the role of bureaucracy and increasing the productivity of organizations. The advantages of the classical theory of management include that it splits the workforce of an organization into groups, and it supports the division of labour. The disadvantages of the theory include that the developers relied on assumptions and used on untested assumptions. At the end of the paper the author comes to the interesting conclusion. The classical theory of management was conceived and its use started during the industrial revolution, following the collapse of the factory system. The theory emphasises the importance of expertise, rules and rationalization, with respect to the improveme nt of productivity and profitability. The main advantages of the theory include that the staffs are divided into different groups; it promotes the division of labour and emphasizes the importance of monetary incentives. The disadvantages of the theory include that the proponents relied on unfounded conclusions and it ignores informal relations and systems. In TMC, the company has used rationalization in the division of labour, the provision of employee training and the assessment and rating of employees based on performance.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mmigration in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mmigration in the US - Essay Example Still women are not better off than men when it comes to migrating. It is easy for men to socialize and settle due to their nature. They can compromise on many things like privacy and cleanliness. Many men can stay together in a small place together. The same is extremely difficult for a woman. She has needs of privacy therefore cannot just stay anywhere. She also needs safety as she cannot defend herself. The treatment of a lonely female is not very well in many societies. All in all the needs of women are different than that of men and therefore they find it difficult to migrate as compared to men. Women, if coming from a culture where they are not treated equally to a host country where laws are much more developed, may still not be better off than men, at least in the beginning. The cultural shock is something that a woman has to face when migrating in a new country. The customs and traditions are different and they may cause discomfort for a woman. Men on the other hand can adju st to such changes rather easily. In today’s world there has been seen a surge in demand for female labor and this is attracting women to migrate. According to the latest trends women are migrating independently to support their families (Oishi, 1). The overall labor market has gone through many changes. In developed countries today husband and wife both are working and this creates a demand for migrants Nannies. This is one of the reasons behind increase in women migration. Female migration is increasing but it is still safe to say that women are at the losing end. This is because most women that migrate come from poor background and desperately need money for their families. This increases the social position of the family and of women but internal happiness of women is compromised. She is mostly living away from her child or her family. It is important to note here that women migrate when they have reached the mature ages. They are born in a culture where families live tog ether closely. They come from a collectivist background where family is more important than an individual. These women when migrate to developed world are not comfortable in working individually. They are only doing it out of necessity not by choice. This takes the toll on the personal life of a woman and therefore she has more to lose than a man. Men even in collectivist society enjoy power and freedom to a certain extent therefore they are better off when migrating. Part 2 When adopting policies for immigrants countries first have to understand the possible issues that immigrants face in the host country. After an understating of these issues appropriate measures can be suggested. Most of the immigrants travel to the host countries for earning more money and living a better lifestyle. Immigrants identify needs that cannot be met in their home countries and therefore they migrate to other countries. The main reason for migration is financial in nature. Most immigrants are poor ther efore they are willing to work at lower rates because of the difference in exchange rates. Earning for example $3 an hour is more than enough for a person to finance his whole family in Nigeria. This is where state should intervene because immigrants are not aware of their rights in the new country. State has to protect immigrants from possible exploitation of business owners. For this purpose state can open special centers for immigrants that can keep

Thursday, September 26, 2019

CEATIVE WRITING SHORT STORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CEATIVE WRITING SHORT STORY - Essay Example Professor Sam dedicated his entire inheritance to his project of finding aliens and other intelligent being in deep space spending millions of dollars in telescopes, communication equipment and other scientific devices. He was mocked by the scientific community and the academe doubted the professor that he was seldomly invited for any speaking engagement nor asked to lecture in the universities. Still, Professor Sam insisted that an intelligent being exists in deep space and may also be equally curious to find other intelligent beings in the same manner that we do or in his case, he does. Professor’s daily ritual involves checking the log of his interspace radar for any signs of unidentified flying objects. He also adjust his telescopes from time to time as he try to explore the deep skies. It has been like these for years and for years, the poor professor has been mocked. If not for his inheritance, the good professor may have been sleeping in the streets because his projects were funded by his inheritance. Until one day his radar registered an unusual bleep. At first Professor Sam did not take it seriously but it became persistent for weeks. Then on a sunny Monday morning, the Professor heard an audible voice on his com. At first they were not able to understand it but the Professor became ecstatic because the voice came from an intelligent being. Months have passed and they were able to developed a decoder and for the first time they understood the voice on the com. It said â€Å"This Captain Explorer of Planet XYZ in the Obscura Galaxy, if anyone can hear me please respond†. Professor Sam ecstatically replied and two communicated for months until an arrangement of a visit was finalized. The world was captivated by the Professor’s discovery. Suddenly, the world’s attention was now focused on the Professor and it made him an instant celebrity. From being a weird, unknown, obscured and even a loathed scientist to popular, well-loved

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Negative effects of technology in education Research Paper

Negative effects of technology in education - Research Paper Example One of the most fundamental golden rules that have to be observed when using technology in education is that moderation is everything and this is because of the fact that technology can easily be overused within the classroom, and this can cause a negative effect on the entire learning experience. It is true that some of these effects are already being seen from student texting and internet usage during class and there are also increased prevalence of plagiarism for coursework and general deficiency of respect for accurate language usage particularly when writing essays. This is a clear indicator of the consequences that technology usually has on the intellectual abilities of the current generation and is a display of the overall power of the internet. According to David Gelernter, â€Å"computers are our worst educational nightmares come true.† While it is a fact that independent thought has greatly been encouraged through the reading of books and has ensured the development of new ideas, this ability would be immensely diminished if there were no books in the world because it is only through the study of old ideas that new ideas are developed. Technology that is used in education, such as the internet will inevitably lead to the extinction of books from the education system because it is the source of plenty of information. However, despite the large reserves of information within this technology, the internet does not have the qualities which books have because most of the information gotten from it is often instant and shallow. The internet does not allow individuals to contemplate on the information which they have just received, as books do and the lack of independent thought because of the absence of books is likely to put the human race into a dark age of intellectual stagnation. The ability to think through the study of the previous work of scholars is what has helped the academic advancement of many children in the past and the inability to thi nk and the reliance on shallow sources of information such as the internet is likely to see the end of the academic system as we know it. Students are able to learn about their past from books and with this knowledge, the take action to avoid the mistakes of their past. The use of technology in education has to be moderated because it is a fact that books have been and still are the most credible source of academic information for centuries, and without books, one would conclude that there can be no history. Gelenter further states that â€Å"teaching children to understand the orderly unfolding of a plot or argument is a critical part of education and this is why the study of stories and arguments is only possible through books and because of the developing lack of interest in them, slowly but surely, students are likely to end up without a culture of analyzing their environment. This can clearly be seen when most of the children today prefer watching television, playing video gam es and even social networking on the internet to having intellectual discussions. The power of the media has become so great that many students in the education system do not have the will, or the inclination, to live a different sort of life. When individual students are asked what they learned

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparing IFRS to GAAP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparing IFRS to GAAP - Coursework Example This document will focus on specific differences and similarities between IFRS and GAAP as applicable in businesses across the globe. Although GAAP and IFRS are similar in their application and usually results to uniform results, there are slight variations arise where GAAP and IFRS offer options due to the nature of the business, company’s interpretation of principles, industry practices and details of transactions. The FASB and IASB have adopted criteria for fair measurement of financial instruments in order to reflect the fair value of business assets and liabilities. Fair value is used to refer to the current market value of the financial instruments. The boards have adopted two steps to ensure fair value measurements whereby businesses are supposed to record particular financial instruments to reflect their current market value. The approaches include â€Å"disclosure of the fair value information in the notes† and â€Å"fair value option† that allows companies to record particular financial instruments at fair value in the financial report. However, IFRS differ from US GAAP in some ways because IFRS examines specific loans and debtors to ensure the same is not impaired, and. In addition, GAAP and IFRS employ different criteria for recording a factoring transaction whereby, IFRS applies the combination of methods dealing with reward, risk and loss control whereas GAAP applies t he loss of control as the chief method. Also, GAAP takes into consideration the incomplete derecognition of receivables while IFRS does not allow incomplete derecognition of receivables (Kimmel, 2013). Depreciation refers to distribution or spread of costs of assets over its useful life according to IFRS (Shamrock, 2012). Depreciation reflects the value of assets over a given period and depicts the potential of that asset to generate income for the business. It portrays the diminishing utility of the asset in business. Depreciation of components is essential when making a major financial decision such as during mergers and acquisitions, when preparing the financial report at the end of the trading period and when disposing of or acquiring additional depreciable assets to reflect the current value of the assets (Shamrock, 2012).

Monday, September 23, 2019

An HIV Symptom Management Intervention for African-American mothers Essay

An HIV Symptom Management Intervention for African-American mothers - Essay Example The main purpose of this study was to "determine the efficacy of an HIV self-care symptom management intervention in reducing emotional distress and improving health among low income African American mothers with HIV." The study was based on the Maternal HIV Self-Care Symptom Management framework. The framework was adapted from the University of California-San Francisco model for symptom management as well as the current literature and studies on African-American women with HIV. As in most studies, a control and an intervention group were formed. In both groups, the HIV infected African-American women reported low income and were mothers of at least one child under the age of 9. 17 grandmothers were also involved in this study, 8 of which were placed in the intervention group. In the intervention group, the implemented procedures regarding the Maternal HIV Self-Care Symptom Management framework were the same for all subjects. The procedures regarding data collection were also the same. Data was collected during 3 data collection points: once during the enrollment of the patients in the clinics, and twice primarily in their homes. Between data collection points, the mothers were telephoned twice, in order to help with retention.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Abundant Living Essay Example for Free

Abundant Living Essay Abundant Living is an Adult Family Home located in Stanwood Washington. It â€Å"offers assisted living services for seniors who need help with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, mobility, and medication assistance. † Their staff are â€Å" specially trained to care for residents with Alzheimers and other forms of dementia† (Abundant Living Adult Family Home Care Corporation, 2013). It currently has only one house supporting six full time residents and has a meager online presence consisting of only a website. The owners have recently bought another house with the goal of creating an additional adult family home and will soon be in need of six residents and at least four employees. Their current marketing strategies consist mainly of word of mouth and printed ads in local newspapers. This business could greatly bene? t from growing its online presence especially during this vulnerable time of expansion. There are currently over 73,000 residents in Snohomish County over the age of 65 (United States Census Bureau, 2013). Online marketing would make it much easier and more economical to reach a growing customer base whose online focus and technological prowess continues to increase. The real customer is not the elderly person themselves. It is usually their children, often in their ? fties and sixties, who are in need of a safe environment for their parents or loved ones to live where they can be assured that a high level of personal care and medical attention will be available. The idea of expanding online would be to market the business to a larger number of target customers than current marketing techniques are able to. An expanding customer base would allow the business to choose it’s residents based on level of care needed, matching personality characteristics with current residents, and those who can afford private pay instead of State pay. State pay residents often pay thousands of dollars less a month than those who can afford private pay; $4000-$1900 (M. Raymond, 2013). This combination of factors is important in choosing a resident as it maximizes the income that can be generated from the twelve rooms that are available to residents. The pgraded website would allow potential customers to see where they or their parents would be living, who they would be living with, and who would be taking care of them. It would increase awareness of the business’s new house and reach a much larger target audience. The website would be an online welcome mat for customers and advertise the business strengths such as a higher level of personal care, lower employee to resident ratios, increased ind ependence, and a more stable atmosphere for residents with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Also, a tab could be created on the website that would be a place for prospective employees to look for openings and determine if they would be a good ? t. Additionally, linking such social media sites as Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus, and Twitter it would better allow residents and their children or friends to keep in touch through photos and descriptions of recent resident special activities, events, business news, and daily occurrences. By creating social media pro? les for the business and linking it to the business website it would also greatly increase word of mouth advertising potential. Customers would be encouraged to like or follow the business on a variety of social media outlets allowing their friends to be exposed to the business and create free online word of mouth marketing. Increasing the online presence of the business would also has the possibility to increase the number of applicants for new employee positions. Abundant living’s direct competitors include Josephine Sunset Home in Stanwood and A Holistic Adult Family Home, LLC in Marysville. Josephine is a combination Nursing Home facility and Assisted Living. It is a much larger facility with a larger staff and a greater number of residents. Its major advantage is its availability to customers. With a larger facility and attainment by the state of Washington of a Skilled Nursing License Josephine is able to accept and care for a larger number of residents who also might require more intensive medical care. Its website is much more comprehensive, easier to use, and is more informative than Abundant Living’s. It also has a tab for employees. Josephine does have some key weaknesses though. The Skilled Nursing area is quite a bit more expensive than both Abundant Living and A Holistic Adult Family Home. Their rates vary from $237 a day to $263 a day. (J. Aungst, 2013). These rates are nearly double that of Abundant living. Also the level of care residents experience is not of the same quality of an Adult Family Home. Employees of Josephine have many more residents to care for than employees of Adult Family Homes that are limited to only six per house. In fact, at times Josephine employees may be responsible for as many as 20 residents. (W. Flaherty, 2013). This larger ratio of residents to employees leads to a less personal interaction with residents and a lower overall quality of life. A Holistic Adult Family Home is more similar in comparison to Abundant Living in that it is an Adult Family home with a Custodial Care license that is legally limited to six residents per house. Rates are similar to Abundant Living but still higher; $5100 a month versus $4000 a month. (E. Moody, 2013). Holistic already has two houses up and running doubling the capacity of Abundant Living. With all of these things in mind the marketing strategies that Abundant living should use are people, price, and product. Abundant Living’s ? e employees are one of its most valuable resources and can be extremely helpful in the marketing effort. They should be encouraged to spread awareness about the new house that will be opening soon and that every interaction should be treated as an interaction with a potential customer. Employees should be encouraged to embrace the business’s brand values of compassion, empathy, and professionalism. These employees could also be potential custome rs as they have parents of their own who are only getting older. Steps should be taken to increase employee morale as having happy and satis? ed employees increases the likelihood of having happy and satis? ed customers. Abundant Living’s main advantage over the competition is that they offer a level of care for their residents that is equal to or better than the competition for substantially less cost. With a waiting list of 25 customers in line for an availability the business should employ the market skimming strategy. The business should charge slightly higher price than they are now, around $4500 a month, for the ? rst residents to ? l the new house to recoup the costs of expansion and then reassess once those costs have been recouped. This will increase the return on investment while still maintaining competitive rates. The ? nal marketing strategy that could be used focuses on the actual product. Online marketing should concentrate on Abundant Living’s high level of care, low employee to resident ratio, and their success at the current house. Marketing efforts should focus on the augmented product of increased independence, a proven track record, and the creation of a stable environment for those with Alzheimer’s and ementia, helping to set the business apart from the competition This marketing can be accomplished by posting positive consumer reviews on the business website as well as comparing the business’s strengths to the competition’s weaknesses. By expanding online marketing techniques, focusing on the business’s product, price, and people, and setting itself apart from the competition Abundant Living will be poised to experience a very successful expansion and increase in market share.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How to Succeed in (or Flunk Out of) College Essay Example for Free

How to Succeed in (or Flunk Out of) College Essay How to Succeed in (or flunk out of) College Everyone has hopes and dreams to succeed in college, but things don’t go as plan all the time. As a result it can cause you not reach your highest potential. It’s hard for some to make the transition from High School to College because having complete freedom to do whatever you like can be a task within itself. For example deciding when and how long you stay in a particular class and things of that nature. So there is much more to explain and guide you along how to make the best of your college experience and also succeed in the classroom. So let’s begin. Being successful in college is harder than you think; first you have to figure out which school best suit you as a person and the career of your choice. Then you must set up certain classes that are in respectful time frame that’s suitable for you and will help you attain your degree. Also you must learn where each class location around the college campus. Once you have achieved those tasks this is where the real work begins. Meaning preparing yourself for the long hours of studying and writing ten page term papers. In addition there are ways that you can fail in college also. For example, not being prepared for class and not being on time. Also not having your work done in the correct time frame it has to be done within. Also letting other things affect you meaning if you having problems with your roommates or partying too much and not making sure your studies are not taking care of before you do whatever that you want to do. In closing, there are plenty of ways to fail in college and plenty of ways to succeed also. Yes, you might be excited that you are able to come and go as you please but you also need to know when to have fun and when it’s time to hit those books and study. There is no step by step process because everyone is different and is able to do things that others may not be able to do. All things considered you can learn from people that been there and have been in your shoes and take the information that is giving you and used it in your own way.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Critical Analysis Of A Mental Health Service Social Work Essay

Critical Analysis Of A Mental Health Service Social Work Essay It is important to have a set service standards and programs that ensure provision of high quality services in our health service system so as to achieve health care that is of high standard and beneficial to the people. It is for this reason that in 1996, the government of Australia developed the National Standards for Mental Health Services (Fenna, 2001, p.80). Ensuring that the standards were fully implemented provided an important chance for the improvement of the value of mental health care. The standards were intended to be used as a guideline in order to develop new services in mental health care or to improve the existing mental services ensuring they attained to recommended quality standards (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1997, p.68). Additionally, the consumers of mental health services or their carers can use these standards to have a clue on their expectations from the health service (Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, 1995, p.78). These standards were developed to meet the National Mental Health Policy that the Australian government had formulated in order to enhance the treatment and care of all the people who were suffering from any mental health problem (Althaus, Bridgman Davis, 2007, p.23). The standards lay a greater weight on the outcome of the patients with mental health problems and their carers in order to uphold their human rights and provide empowerment to them. The standards were set in agreement with the United Nationà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Principles on the Protection of People with Mental Illness (Australian Health Ministers, 1991, p.67). Among these principles are as follows; encouragement of the people with mental disorders to attain the highest quality of life as compared with healthy individuals, the positive outcomes for the patients of mental illness and their carers was to be the center of attention for the standards and the recognition of all the perspectives of the patients, that is, their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. These standards have served to improve the quality of care to the consumers of mental health services (Rosen, Miller Parker, 1993, p.23). This essay critically analyses a mental health service on how well it meets the standards in their day to day activities. Mental health service CRS Australia is an organization whose presence is being felt in many communities in Australia. Presently, there is high competition for the limited job opportunities that our economy is able to support. This has led to a huge backlog of learned people in wait for job opportunities. Many college leavers are finding it quite difficult to secure that dream job that you have been anticipating for throughout your educational life (Meagher, 1995, p. 73). As a result, stress builds up and at times this has led to various mental disorders. CRS has come in place to provide a contact between the job seekers and the employers. It helps job seekers who may be having any disability or health conditions to acquire some job positions and also provide guidelines that ensure the job is maintained. The job seekers are guided to break any barriers they may encounter in finding employment. The organization also works together with employers in finding qualified candidates for the vacant posts in their workplaces. Also, they offer technical advice on the safety measures to be observed in the workplaces and give assistance in the management of any worker injured on duty. It offers its services to any person who has the will and is able to acquire guidance from it. For the job seekers it has over 170 offices distributed across Australia where any person can contact them and he/she will be offered with the appropriate guidelines on what to do and how to get that needed job. It has helped a lot of people who are full of praise for it. For the employers it offers a wide package including guiding them to select the qualified employers and offering expertise in areas like risk and hazard reduction to reduce work place injuries. This saves their institutions from the high compensation cha rges that they may be forced to pay the workers in case they get injured during the work service (Allan, Briskman, Pease, 2009, p.77). Any company is welcome to CRS to seek its services which are offered without discrimination. National Standards for Mental Health Services These standards are grouped into three sections where the first seven standards are concerned with issues that are accepted universally concerning human dignity, the human rights of the people with mental illness and their acceptance in our societies. The next three standards focus on the organizational structure of the mental health service with an emphasis on the connections existing between different departments of the mental health sector (United Nations General Assembly, 1992, p.12). Finally, the 11th standard illustrates the care delivery process beginning with initial contact with mental health services to their final contact. We now focus on the first and third standard in relation to CRS Australia to determine how well the organization has worked in meeting the standards. The first standard is concerned with protection of the rights of people who have mental disorders or mental health problems by the mental health services which they are offered (Commonwealth Department of Health Aged Care, 1997, p.16). Compliance with the legislations and all the regulations by the staff of mental health service to ensure the rights are upheld is of importance and therefore given the first consideration. Application of this standard ensures that the mentally disabled people are not discriminated against in being offered essential services so long as they are in a capacity to work efficiently (United Nations, 1991, p.56). CRS on its behalf is entitled in ensuring equal opportunities are offered to job seekers when accessing job opportunities. According to CRS Australia (2010, para. 2-4), 20% of the population have an exposure to a mental health problem during their life time. As an organization, CRS has experts staff that guides people in managing their mental health conditions in order for them to acquire a job or if they are in one maintain their positions. They have helped many people with mental health problems which are at often accompanied by various injuries some of which are physical and hence have caused a disability in them. With an inner understanding of the hard and tiring process of dealing with mental health problems, CRS has programs on disability management which are suited to job seekers. They work together to ensure that their clients are able to secure that job which they desire thus making it a reality for many job seekers who have mental problems a reality (Mendes, 2008, p.56). Once a person has acquired a job, there are sometimes psychological injuries that come as a result of the type of work that a person is doing. This result into work related stress which often cause low productivity by the employees, ever rising rates of absente eism or job absconding, bad relations between the staff and the employees in the work places among others (Swain, Rice, 2009, p.76). This causes a high employee turnover which is detrimental to an institutions reputation. CRS Australia has come in to solve these problems through its experienced psychologists, counselors and the social workers. The organization assesses the situation to find out the kind of assistance needed and determines the appropriate changes to be made in order to minimize the psychological problems or injuries. In addition, CRS do take into account the goals and ambitions of the people with mental disorders in relation to their jobs. They are able to offer private and confidential information to the consumers of their services concerning their rights and privileges in their work places so as to retain their jobs. This is offered in a language that is freely understood by the concerned parties. In any case a legislative action is sought to resolve any tussle the consumers and their carersà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ written consent is freely sought (Myers, 1995, p.19). By so doing CRS has served and supported the welfare of people with mental conditions and illnesses and thus improving their wellness in the society. It also monitors their progress in their areas of work identifying any work related problems they are encountering and giving appropriate solutions and guidelines on how to tackle them. The act of seeking employment for them or the endeavors to sustain their employment ensu res they are empowered to take care of themselves and this gives them morale. It also serves to curtail any form of discrimination that may exist in job acquisition process and thus upholding the rights of the consumers as described by the UN principles for the protection of people who are mentally handicapped. The third standard for mental health services is concerned with ensuring the consumer of mental health services and their carers are involved in the processes of planning of the mental health service being provided (Commonwealth Department of Health Aged Care, 1997, p. 19). Also, it ensures that they actively participate in the implementation and evaluation of the services provided. CRS Australia is tasked with provision of interventional measures both at the early stages and later after the injuries have occurred. It provides a platform where the consumers are involved giving their views on where they think should be improved so as to reduce their levels of mental stress (Wade, Weir, 1995, p.99). The job seekers are taken through counseling sessions where their views are sought so as to help them find solutions to their problems. In the work places, the people under these services are also asked to provide their opinions on how to reduce the mental injuries that they are suffering from. They give their opinions which are then incorporated with policy guidelines to come up with in born solutions to the health problems. The consumers are in a position to feel as part of the solution to their problems and hence are able to adhere to the recommendations that come up (Andrews, Peters Teesson, 1994, p.30). The MHS offered by the CRS is inclusive and supports a number of activities for both the consumers and the cares. It has evaluation criteria for the consumers to determine the level of support that they are able to acquire and what is needed to improve their conditions in a much better way (Rapp, 1998, p.79). In addition to these, CRS is able to provide trainings to the consumers on how to improve their workplaces in order to reduce physical mental injuries which can heighten their problems. Employers do seek the services of CRS in promoting work safety measures through the trainings they offer. CRS is also able to monitor the progress it has made in ensuring equal opportunities for all in employment. In its efforts it is able to make workplace visits to assess the progress of the employees they are able to send to the various institutions (Rapp Goscha, 2006, p.101). In case any deviation from the principles is noticed it offers appropriate guidelines in order to protect the rights of people with mental disabilities. Conclusion In conclusion, CRS Australia has been instrumental in assisting people with mental disabilities or injuries to secure a place in employment and consequently be in a position to maintain their places. The organization has been able to attain the specifications of the Australian government and the private sector in providing mental injury management, assessment and any other measures intended for prevention of mental injuries (Australian Council on Healthcare Standardsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Care Evaluation Program, 1995, p.50). CRS has been able to be in a position to attain the standards set for mental health services. With an emphasis to standard one which is concerned with ensuring equal rights to people with mental disorders and problems. By offering employment chances to the mentally handicapped, CRS is able to ensure the mentally handicapped are not discriminated when it comes to employment. This has served to empower the mentally ill patients. They thus are able to c are for themselves and reduce their over reliance on their carers for financial and wellbeing help. CRS is also able to attain the standard number three of ensuring that the consumers and their carers are involved in the mental health service. CRS is therefore effective in provision of mental health service especially in offering employment.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Technology :: essays research papers

Cisco Systems, Inc. All contents are Copyright  © 1992–2001 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Important Notices and Privacy Statement. Page 1 of 5 B ROCHURE Cisco Mobile Office: On the Road Maximum Productivity for Business Professionals Overview: A Workplace in Motion It’s no secret that today’s professionals are spending more time than ever working away from the office. In the Internet economy, employees on the move depend on networking to communicate with their clients, partners, and coworkers. Yet these mobile professionals often have limited access to the people, information, and tools they need to be productive. Traditional remote networking is often too slow, unreliable, expensive, or inconvenient to meet the needs of business professionals on the move. Simply locating a working phone jack in an airport or hotel room can be an extraordinary task. And the firewalls that keep company information secure can pose additional obstacles for those who need network access. Network administrators face their own problems as they contend with managing a mobile workforce. Opening a corporate network to mobile access can make it vulnerable to unknown security risks. Dialup charges, equipment replacement, and cumbersome billing systems strain patience as well as budgets. Despite these pitfalls, the need for mobile connectivity is here to stay. According to IDC, 45 million of today’s mobile business professionals need to access the Internet or their corporate network. And as more low-priced, high-powered notebook PCs, hand-held devices, and cell phones emerge, their numbers will continue to grow. To meet the need for secure broadband access anytime, anywhere, Cisco Systems has partnered with other industry leaders to introduce Cisco Mobile Office: On the Road. A flexible, easy-to-use solution, Cisco Mobile Office On the Road enables secure wired and wireless connectivity for mobile professionals over the Internet. Combining state-of-the-art VPN security and broadband bandwidth with easy configuration, Cisco Mobile Office: On the Road delivers â€Å"on-the-move† access to broadband networking. It’s the most comprehensive solution on the market today, enabling mobile employees to stay productive with a manageable solution. Cisco Systems, Inc. All contents are Copyright  © 1992–2001 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Important Notices and Privacy Statement. Page 2 of 5 Access When You Need It, Where You Need It Designed specifically for the needs of professionals away from the corporate office, Cisco Mobile Office: On the Road delivers reliable, hassle-free Internet or secure enterprise LAN access, either with or without wires. While competing vendors might offer portions of a mobile system, only Cisco offers a complete, unified solution that delivers: †¢ A comprehensive set of advanced wired and wireless networking solutions †¢ Technologies that enable fast, convenient connectivity †¢ Continuous, end-to-end security †¢ Standards-based interoperability †¢ Expandable, upgradeable platforms to future-proof your organization †¢ Options for mobility settlement offering integrated billing and user interfaces Furthermore, Cisco Mobile Office: On the Road is the only solution backed by a team of industry-leading

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Comparison of Thomas Grays Elegy (Eulogy) Written in a Country Churc

A Comparison of Thomas Gray's Elegy (Eulogy) Written in a Country Churchyard and Bryant's Thanatopsis  Ã‚     Ã‚   Thomas Gray and William Cullen Bryant both chose to write about nature and death being intertwined. Since Thomas Gray lived in a time of social injustice, he chose to use death to illustrate the problems inherent in a socially stratified society. William Cullen Bryant, on the other hand, lived in a rapidly expanding young nation that cherished the vast amounts of untouched nature and he used death to illustrate how man fits into the universal truth of the earth. However, both men believed that death rendered all men equal in that all went to their final resting place in Mother Nature's bosom. While Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" comes across as a social commentary on the English peasants and Bryant's "Thanatopsis" serves as a catalog of American Romantic beliefs, both believe that one must listen to nature, that death makes all men equal, and that man returns to nature after death. To compare how the poems minor themes are similar, one must first understand their major themes' differences. "Elegy" differs so greatly from "Thanatopsis" because they came from vastly different times and countries. Gray wrote "Elegy" in eighteenth century England after the death of one of his friends. Influenced by the English Romantics like Gray, Bryant, who spent much of his time out in the wild, wrote "Thanatopsis" in praise of nature's splendor. "Elegy" appears at first to be solely about death but emerges as a social commentary on the plight of the poor. Gray first explains how the commoners delight in the simple life of working in the fields and enjoying their families while "Chill Penury" held them back from gr... ...    Brady, Frank. "Structure and Meaning in Gray's Elegy" Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 7-17.    Carper, Thomas. "Gray's Personal Elegy" Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 39-50.    Lonsdale, Roger. "Poetry of Thomas Gray: Versions of the Self" Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 19-38.    McLean, Albert. William Cullen Bryant. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc, 1964. 65-81.    Smith, Eric. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 51-67.    Peckham, Harry Houston. Gotham Yankee. New York: Russell and Russell, 1971. 31-35.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Null Hypothesis

Why We Don’t â€Å"Accept† the Null Hypothesis by Keith M. Bower, M. S. and James A. Colton, M. S. Reprinted with permission from the American Society for Quality When performing statistical hypothesis tests such as a one-sample t-test or the AndersonDarling test for normality, an investigator will either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, based upon sampled data. Frequently, results in Six Sigma projects contain the verbiage â€Å"accept the null hypothesis,† which implies that the null hypothesis has been proven true.This article discusses why such a practice is incorrect, and why this issue is more than a matter of semantics. Overview of Hypothesis Testing In a statistical hypothesis test, two hypotheses are evaluated: the null (H0) and the alternative (H1). The null hypothesis is assumed true until proven otherwise. If the weight of evidence leads us to believe that the null hypothesis is highly unlikely (based upon probability theory), then we hav e a statistical basis upon which we may reject the null hypothesis. A common misconception is that statistical hypothesis tests are designed to select the more likely of two hypotheses.Rather, a test will stay with the null hypothesis until enough evidence (data) appears to support the alternative. The amount of evidence required to â€Å"prove† the alternative may be stated in terms of a confidence level (denoted X%). The confidence level is often specified before a test is conducted as part of a sample size calculation. We view the confidence level as equaling one minus the Type I error rate (? ). A Type I error is committed when the null hypothesis is incorrectly rejected. An ? value of 0. 05 is typically used, corresponding to 95% confidence levels.The p-value is used to determine if enough evidence exists to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. The p-value is the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. The two possible conclusions, af ter assessing the data, are to: 1. Reject the null hypothesis (p-value ? ) and conclude that there is not enough evidence to state that the alternative is true at the pre-determined confidence level of X%. Note that it is possible to state the alternative to be true at the lower confidence level of 100*(1 – p-value)%. Ronald A.Fisher succinctly discusses the key point of our paper: In relation to any experiment we may speak of†¦ the â€Å"null hypothesis,† and it should be noted that the null hypothesis is never proved or established, but is possibly disproved, in the course of experimentation. Every experiment may be said to exist only in order to give the facts a chance of disproving the null hypothesis. 1 A Helpful Analogy: The U. S. Legal System Consider the example of the legal system in the United States of America. A person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.We may state this particular decision-making process in the form of a hypo thesis test, as follows: H0: Person is innocent vs. H1: Person is not innocent (i. e. , guilty) The responsibility then falls upon the prosecution to build a case to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It should be borne in mind that a jury will never find a person to be â€Å"innocent. † The defendant would be found â€Å"not guilty† in such a situation; i. e. , the jury has failed to reject the null hypothesis. Decisions Based on Data We must keep in mind, of course, that it is always possible to draw an incorrect conclusion based upon sampled data.There are two kinds of error we can make: †¢ Type I error. When the null hypothesis is rejected, practitioners refer to the Type I error when they present results, using language such as: â€Å"We reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level,† or â€Å"We reject the null hypothesis at the 95% confidence level. † †¢ Type II error. A second possible mistake involves incorrectly failing t o reject the null hypothesis. The power of a test is defined as one minus the Type II error rate, and is therefore the probability of correctly rejecting H0. The sample size plays an important role in determining the statistical power of a test.When statisticians address small sample sizes, they often refer to the power to justify their concerns. One may argue that the sample size would be too low to correctly detect a difference from the hypothesized value, if that difference truly existed. Example of a Test with Low Power Consider a test that compares the mean of a process to a target value. The null and alternative hypotheses are, respectively: H0: Process mean on target vs. H1: Process mean different from target Suppose two observations are collected daily to monitor for a change in the process mean (i. e. , n = 2). Assume a one-sample t-test is carried out at the ? 0. 05 significance level (95% confidence level) and the resulting p-value is above 0. 05. Fig. 1 One-Sample t-Test As is shown in Figure 1, there is less than a 50% chance (power = 0. 4944) such a test will correctly reject the null hypothesis even when the difference between the process mean and the target is six standard deviations. This is obviously an enormous statistical difference, yet the test (owing to the small sample size) would not be sensitive to it. The danger in concluding the process is on target with a sample size of two, for this example, is evident. ImplicationsAssessing and relaying findings in a cogent manner is critical for Six Sigma practitioners. In statistical hypothesis testing procedures, this means that investigators should avoid misleading language such as that which implies â€Å"acceptance† of the null hypothesis. Reference th 1. Ronald A. Fisher, The Design of Experiments, 8 ed. (New York: Hafner Publishing Company Inc. , 1966), 17. Bibliography 1. Lenth, Russell V. â€Å"Some Practical Guidelines for Effective Sample Size Determination. † The Americ an Statistician 55, no. 3 (2001): 187-193. 2. Tukey, John W. â€Å"Conclusions vs. Decisions. † Technometrics 2, no. 4 (1960): 423433.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dost File

Spanning the millennium head on Department of Science and Technology Region IV-A Vol. XVI No. 2 February 2008 DOST-ITDI, ICETT implement GFIS Joined hands with DOST CALABARZON in â€Å"greening† environments The Industrial Technology Development Institute, a line agency of DOST, in cooperation with the International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (ICETT), based in Yokkaichi City, Prefecture of Mie, Japan, and select DOST Regional Offices are firing up local initiatives to boost productivity yet still preserve local environment. ICETT, with the support and cooperation of its own national and local governments, industry, and academe, utilizes Japan's collected industrial technologies and administrative measures on environmental conservation. It applies these to implement programs and projects on the same together with participating countries. The aim is to enhance â€Å"greening† of regional environments and prevent their destruction overseas, thus achieving conservation globally. Together with ICETT, the Philippines as participating country is thus implementing â€Å"Green Framework of Innovative Strategy on Sustainable Consumption and Productivity† or GFIS, a five-year project of DOST-ITDI through its program on Cleaner Production. GFIS aims to: 1. Establish model industrial-eco barangays, towns and communities; 2. Improve environmental performance of both local industries and its community through environmental awareness, Cleaner Production (CP), Energy Efficiency (EE), and Environmental Management System (EMS); and 3. Recommend provisions for inclusion in policy recommendations to local government units and national government agencies. GREENHOUSE EFFECT GFIS aims to enhance â€Å"greening† of regional environments thus contributing to global diminution of the Greenhouse Effect. The greenhouse effect refers to the way in which gases in the Earth’s atmosphere warm the Earth like the glass roof of a greenhouse—by letting sunlight in but keeping the reflected heat energy trapped inside. These naturally occurring gases, notably carbon dioxide and water vapor, are called greenhouse gases. DOST CALABARZON Bulletin February 2008 DOST-ITDI claims that one of the components of GFIS under the CP program is technological capacity building of staffs. It added CP is a forward looking â€Å"anticipate and prevent philosophy. † Thus, firms prevent pollution before they occur resulting in reduced wastes generated at source. This indirectly reduces operating costs and increases safety of workers. The results are an improved corporate image as perceived by the public and global competitiveness. GFIS is being pilot tested at DOST NCR, DOST CALABARZON and DOST Region V. DOST CALABARZON through Guilberto A. Veluz, Center Manager for Technical Operations, recently initiated conduct of a three-day training and workshop for Cleaner Production Assessors of the region at Batis Aramin Resort and Hotel in Lucban, Quezon. The Regional Office intended to build CP and EE technical capabilities of 18 CP assessors from five state universities in CALABARZON. These include Provincial S Center of Quezon, Cavite State University, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Batangas State University, University of Rizal System, and the Southern Luzon State University. During the training, the assessors evaluated production of Center Miki Factory and Valde’s Poultry Farm in Lucban, and Capistrano Distillery and Kamayan sa Palaisdaan in Tayabas. The assessors completed drafting of the FiRST Reports (Findings, Recommendations, Schedules and Tasks) and gave copies to management representatives of participating firms. They will submit the complete CP report one month after the training. (AMG) NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE DOST-PTRI puts to good use young coconut husks Develops textile dye While most of us enjoy the hot sum mers drinking â€Å"Buko† juice (juice form young coconut) and nibbling on its fresh meat as an effort to while away time, the Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOSTPTRI) found good use for the young coconut husks which we usually throw away. DOST-PTRI turned difficult to remove stains from these husks into a textile dye called coconut pink. They found out that young coconut husk extract imparts red to maroon color on silk, pina-seda and pina while it produces an old rose color on cotton. They also established colorfastness, laundering and light ratings of the dyed materials and found these to be satisfactory for all these types. Coconut husks’ potential to impart red color comes as a necessary indulgence for textile manufacturers who use in great quantities the non-colorfast red dye from sibukao (Caesalpinnia sappan). The textile institute’s research study revealed that young coconut husks sourced from different locations produce varying shades of red. This required thus hue and color tint matching capabilities and adjustments in the dyeing parameters. In addition, DOST-PTRI found that coconuts from high elevations yield almost no color compared with coconuts from coastals and low- lying areas. This new use for young coconut husks holds promise for additional income for farmers. Likewise, the new technique’s requirement for compulsory chopping of husks before extraction facilitates rapid decomposition. This reduces the risk of clogging of waterways and drainage systems along coconut processing villages. Incidentally, this emerging natural dye industry runs complimentary to the National Coconut Agenda as it does not compete with the food and health uses of coconut. DOST-PTRI pilot tested the young coconut husk extraction and textile application technology using materials from the Bahaghari and kaLIKHAsan Collection of Kingsmen Corporation and Mariana Fashion Apparels, respectively. The technique forms part of the package of technologies adopted and commercialized by Soumak Collection to produce one of their original color options. Their dyed creations are sold in select shops in California, New York City, parts of Asia, and soon in Europe. Soumak Collection also tried the new dyeing technology on cotton bed linens for their Bed and Beddings collection.  µ (PTRIAMG) DOST CALABARZON Bulletin NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE February 2008 Space Technology Committee pushes for acquiring SATELLITE for RP In a resolution signed during the recent Second National Congress on Space Technology Applications and Research (NCSTAR), some 25 government and private agencies declared that the Philippines badly needs its own earth-observing satellite which can provide real-time data crucial in disaster monitoring and weather forecasting. â€Å"An earth observation system will be beneficial to the country,† says Dr. Reynaldo Ebora, Executive Director of the Department of Science and Technology’s Philippine Council for Advanced Science and Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCASTRD), convenor of the congress. â€Å"The Philippines is perennially affected by natural disasters, making timely, synoptic space-based information a necessity. † Participants to the Second National Congress gave solid support for a proposal to explore possibilities of acquiring the country’s own earth-observing satellite. Once acquired, the satellite will provide weather forecast months in advance. It can predict where diseases like malaria and SARS are most likely to arise. While most may look at the acquisition as a way to avoid bother in their daily activities, regular incidence of typhoons and their resulting diseases show the importance of the satellite in saving lives and properties. According to DOST’s space technology expert Dr. Jose Edgardo Aban, having our own earth-observing satellite can assist the country in monitoring our land surface, biosphere, atmosphere, and surrounding oceans. The satellite can track environmental changes in areas it is assigned. Processes that the earth undergoes, be it biological, ecological, climatological, or geological, can be monitored and better understood. These will enable us, especially our leaders and experts, to make more informed decisions that may affect lives, the environment, and the economy. Aside from these, it can monitor forest fires, predict the effect of air quality on people, provide farmers with immediate forecast to help maximize agricultural yields, and calculate the pattern of typhoons and storms. Likewise, participants proposed the inclusion of satellite development and other related space technology applications in the school curriculum and strengthening the coordinative functions of the current Science and Technology Coordinating Council – Committee on Space Technology Applications.  µ DOST scholar grad finds 900 BLACK HOLES in the sky A Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) scholar-graduate is now making waves in the international astronomical world after leading a team that discovered the largest number of super massive black holes in the centers of galaxies in the universe. Reinabelle Reyes, a PhD student at Princeton University and a BS Physics summa cum laude graduate at the Ateneo de Manila University in 2005, led a team of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) scientists that discovered a large number of â€Å"hidden quasars† that are shrouded in light-absorbing dust and gas. According to Reyes, her team found around 900 hidden quasars, which is by far the largest sample ever found. â€Å"We found that hidden quasars make up at least half of the quasars in the nearby universe, implying that most of the powerful black holes in our neighborhood had previously been unrecognized,† she said. She added their discovery shows that powerful black holes are more common in the last eight billion years of cosmic history than had previously been thought and that the relative numbers of hidden compared to normal quasars show how the appearance of dust and gas determine the presence of a hidden quasar. The large number of hidden quasars we discovered implies that most of the light emitted by quasars is actually obscured. Moreover, because the light from these hidden quasars previously had been unaccounted for, black holes turn out to be more efficient in converting the energy of in-falling matter into light than we had thought,† she said. The research team presented its discovery last January 9 at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas, and has submitted a paper describing the research for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Reyes said their project is the culmination of the graduate thesis work of her co-author, Nadia Zakamska, a long-term postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, under the supervision of Princeton professor Michael Strauss. Dr. Ester B. Ogena, Director of the DOST-SEI, said Reyes' success in her career is a glaring example of the quality of scholar-graduates the country produces and the vast potential the Philippines has in space science. We hope that our students would be able to get inspiration from Reyes and pursue a career in the sciences that will 2 hopefully add to the roster of our great astronomers and space scientists,† she said.  µ (PCASTRD AMG) DOST CALABARZON Bulletin 2008 NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEFebruary NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE NEWS ELSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE WHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE EWS LSEWHERE Formation of a Bl ack Hole In the red giant phase towards the end of a star’s life, a star with up to 1. solar masses becomes unstable and ejects its exterior layers into space (1), creating a planetary nebula, before contracting again to form a white dwarf, which cools, eventually becoming a black dwarf, too cold to shine. If the red giant is more massive, it generates heavy elements like iron and grows (2) to form a supergiant. Then it explodes and its matter is released into space. If the entire supergiant explodes (3), this is a supernova. Depending on its mass, the supernova gives birth either to a neutron star or, for even higher-mass stars, a black hole. If only the outer part of the supergiant explodes (4), a nova forms. The DOST-SEI has laid the groundwork for a Philippine Space Education Program in the country following a designation by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationParis to act as focal point for its space-education program and related activities in the Philippines. It aims to promote science and technology, particularly space science, to Filipino students. The PSEP also seeks to engage the Filipinos in the exploration of space science and technology and the process of science in various disciplines in an effort to create an educated public and o generate future space science explorers. Likewise, the PSEP aims to create awareness among the students in career opportunities in the various fields of science and engineering including space science that would raise standards and address skill shortages towards national development. It also aspires to establish linkages and partnership with space organizations and institutions for possible assistance and collaborati on in space science education programs and projects.  µ (DOST-SEI) DOST CALABARZON Jamboree Road, Timugan Los Banos, Laguna 4030 STAMP 2

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Coke Financial Structure

[pic] Andrea R. Hart GB550: Financial Management August 24, 2011 The Abstract The topic of this research paper will be about the capital structure of Coca Cola, This paper serves as a comparison of debt and equity. It will help determine the true value of the company while also determining what their free cash flow is and the risk level for the organization. The question that this research will try to answer is if the 125 year old company is financially ready for another 125 years. The company needs to remain liquid and keep its operating costs low during times of inflation.The methodology that will be used will be multiple financial ratios to determine how the organization is operating and compare to times of exponential increases in profits. My expected findings will be that Coca Cola will have a minimal amount of free cash flow. There would be enough to remain liquid but also to remain flexible in starting new product lines or new investments. Coca Cola already operates in over 20 0 countries and should seek to expand advertising efforts in recently adopted countries. I anticipate that the company has endured over 125 years of economical, political and social upheavals.Financial StatementsI hope to conclude that although there could be unpredicted unprecedented environmental events that Coca Cola will be able to continue operate. Table of Contents A preview of capital structure issues†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 Business and financial risks related to capital structure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 Modigliani and Miller’s [MM] capital structure theory †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6 Criticisms of the MM model and assumptions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 Capital structure evidence and implications†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7Estimating the firm’s optimal capital structure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 A preview of capital structure issues Capital structures of companies are based on the amount of debt and equity a company holds. When a company begins to increase their debt the company becomes more of a risk to investors because the compa ny now has a higher chance that it may not be able to repay its debts. Although if there is more debt an organization taxes can be reduced because the organization is able to take out what it must pay as interest to investors and holders from being taxed.The higher cost of capital translates into a lower fair value estimate, and vice versa; furthermore, seemingly small changes in cost of capital can make a significant difference in a stock's fair value (Kathman, 2002). The giant beverage maker, that’s in a fairly stable environment does not have very much debt. The company in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, Coca Cola’s cost of equity of 8. 6% when the industry average is 11. 67% and is a large influence on the WACC of 8. 4%. Although the company incurs an 8. 6 % cost on the equity the company has averaged a return on equity for the past five years of 30. %. A Company with a high weighted average cost of capital could be considered a risky company or a company in a risky industry that mainly uses equity for funding. Coca Cola’s debt to equity ratio is 23% however the total debt to equity has been on average for the past five years at 51% showing that the company uses only half debt to finance growth within the company which is accurate for a company that is not quite so capital intensive. Although the company finds itself in a well established industry, it must still make investments and use 51% of debt to finance the new growth.WACC and Free Cash Flows impact a company’s value. FCF is what would come back to a company after the investment was made to enhance the company. FCF can determine if it is worth to take on an investment. Coca Cola’s current Free Cash Flow is -546. 8 (COCA COLA CO (NYSE:KO ), 2011). Business and financial risks related to capital structure There are many factors that could play into the financial risk of Coca Cola. The company itself, affiliates, subsidiaries, licensed distributers and bottlers ar e a risk factor to Coca Cola.Bottlers generate a significant portion of Coke’s net operating revenues by selling concentrates and syrups to independent bottling partners. In 2009, approximately 79 percent of our worldwide unit case volume was produced and distributed by bottling partners in which the Company did not have a controlling interest (ITEM 1A. RISK FACTORS, 2010). The company also operates internationally which is additional business and financial risk to the company. International economies and political environments become a risk to an American investor when considering purchasing securities.Some business risk of the company includes the availability in Coca Cola’s special ingredient of extracted coca leaf, the sustainment of a network that spans 200 countries, health concerns that cause a reduction in market demands. For the company to ensure that it has enough cash flows must be able to have the infrastructure to handle the large amount of demands. Being that Coca Cola is an international company it has opened its doors to many more financial risks. Risks with their international counterparts include fluctuations in foreign currency and exchange rates effecting financial results (ITEM 1A. RISK FACTORS, 2010).If interest rates rise or new tax laws are set it would negatively impact net income. Increase in costsdue to shortages of supplies or materials to produce products or changes in accounting standards can all affect the risks of the company. Coca Cola monitors exposure to financial market risks using several objective measurement systems, including value-at-risk models. Value-at-risk calculations use a historical simulation model to estimate potential future losses in the fair value of our derivatives and other financial instruments that could occur as a result of adverse movements in foreign currency and interest rates (ITEM 7A.QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK, 2011). Modigliani and Miller’s [MM] capital structure theory The underlying and basic assumption of the Modigliani and Miller Capital Structure Theory is that there is no major difference if a company were to fund its operations with the use of debt or using equity. The 1958 Modigliani-Miller Theorem was initially designed to show that the corporation's capital structure decisions are not value increasing or decreasing; it has, however, become apparent that the theorem is far more general (MacMinn, 2011).The theory rests on assumptions that there are no brokers or bankruptcy costs, no taxes and that investors can borrow at the same rate as the corporations and that EBIT is not affected by the use of debt. In 1991 Miller explained that the theory any gain from using more of what might seem to be cheaper debt is offset by the higher cost of now riskier equity and given a fixed amount of total capital, the allocation of capital between debt and equity is irrelevant because the weighted average of the two costs of capita l to the firm is the same for all possible combinations of the two (Villamil, 2010).Criticisms of the MM model and assumptions The same assumptions that the Modigliani and Miller Capital Structure Theory is based on have been criticized. While the three Modigliani and Miller propositions make good sense and have become widely known there has been disagreement. Capital Structures that are designed to enhance value, the majority of the value is from the decisions that are made by financial managers. The value in the company is from the strategy that makes and it is the duty of the financial manager to make sure that the capital structure supports the strategy that the company is trying to pursue.Further, Coca Cola, initial strategy was to sell Ice cold Coca Cola’s to its customers. The company was able to successfully change its strategy to only produce the syrup, the process was able to be broken down and both are able to reap values and benefits. By leaving capital structures to be independently determined by the bottlers and distributors, the structure of Coca Cola Holland and Coca Cola Japan to be different. Other theories have been created in spite of the MM model such as the Trade-Off Theory which takes into consideration the costs of bankruptcy.Capital structure evidence and implications Because of the low debt that Coca Cola has it also carries a low rate for taxes. In the last 5 years, half of Coke’s worldwide investments include almost $20 billion dollars in capital expenditures and acquisitions in the U. S. In addition, each year, we invest over $10 billion dollars in our supply chain in the U. S. — including $208 million dollars that was spent this past year on supplies (Kent, 2010). In 2010, The Coca Cola Company acquired Coca Cola Enterprises (CCE) assets and liabilities.Coca Cola by purchasing CCE, Coke will have a $100 million net pre-tax income benefit, however after adjusting to the impact of the full value of the stand alo ne debt Coke will have acquired a $200 million interest expense reduction. However Coke stands to benefit from the overall transaction with a pre tax benefit in 2011 of an estimated $300 million (Investors Information, 2010). CCE is still set to acquire bottlers in Germany, Sweden and Norway as part of the deal. With Coke becoming a producer and now a larger owner in bottling, this has changed the capital structure of the company.Estimating the firm’s optimal capital structure During the acquisition of Coca Cola Enterprises (CCE) assets and liabilities, Coca Cola’s shares decreased while CCE increased. â€Å"With this transaction, we are converting passive capital into active capital, giving us direct control over our investment in North America to accelerate growth and drive long-term profitability Coke said, with the transactions that are expected to generate operational cost savings of approximately $350 million over four years for Coca-Cola and will add to earning s by 2012 (Gelsi & Spain, 2010).The current estimate of Coke’s cost of debt is 7% as well as the WACC. (Coca Cola (KO) Stock Research, Equity Ratings, News & Analysis , 2911). If this amount were to increase it is possible that it could also increase the risk to investors. Coke’s beta has been reported at . 59 and for the non-alcoholic beverage industry is average. With their current capital structure Coke has had a steady 6% in revenue growth. The company also recently acquired CCE their debts, liabilities as well as CCE’s acquisitions which is why Coke’s shares declined by 3. % (Gelsi & Spain, 2010). These changes were brought about due to economical conditions and felt the need to take over more operations. Although this acquisition effected their shares in the short term, the company has estimated that this change will save the company almost $350 million in operational costs in four years and will begin generating income by 2012. References Coca Cola (KO) Stock Research, Equity Ratings, News & Analysis . (2911). Retrieved August 23, 2011, from ValueInvesting 2. 0: http://www. wikiwealth. com/research:koCOCA COLA CO (NYSE:KO ). (2011, August). Retrieved August 23, 2011, from Forbes. Com: http://finapps. forbes. com/finapps/jsp/finance/compinfo/Ratios. jsp? tkr=KO Ehrhardt, M. C. , & Brigham, E. F. (2009). Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Mason: South-Western. Freeland, K. , Gabruk, B. , Laidlaw, K. , Levine, J. , Michaels, M. , & Schramm, G. (1998, May 4). The Beverage Industry: This One’s on the House! Retrieved August 23, 2011, from Stern NYU. Edu: http://people. stern. nyu. edu/adamodar/pdfiles/cfprojs/beverage. df Gelsi, S. , & Spain, W. (2010, Feb 25). Coca-Cola buying CCE North American bottling business. Retrieved Aug 23, 2011, from The Wall Street Journal: MarketWatch: http://www. marketwatch. com/story/coca-cola-buying-north-american-unit-of-cce-2010-02-25 Hines, J. J. (2007, March). Capital Structure w ith Risky Foreign Investment. Retrieved August 11, 2011, from Harvard Business School: http://www. people. hbs. edu/ffoley/riskycap. pdf Investors Information. (2010, Dec 14). Retrieved Aug 23, 2011, from The Coca Cola Company: ttp://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/investors/pdfs/modeling_2010. pdf ITEM 1A. RISK FACTORS. (2010). Retrieved August 23, 2011, from The Coca Cola Company. Com: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/investors/pdfs/10-K_2009/04_Coca-Cola_Item1A-1B. pdf ITEM 7A. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK. (2011). Retrieved August 23, 2011, from The Coca Cola Company. Com: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/investors/pdfs/10-K_2006/Coca-Cola_10-K_Item_07a. pdf Kale, J. R. , Noe, T. H. , & Ramirez, G. G. (Dec. , 1991).The Effect of Business Risk on Corporate Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence. The Journal of Finance , 1693-1715. Kathman, D. (2002, December 20). Why Discount Rates Matter. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from MorningStarNews. Com: h ttp://news. morningstar. com/articlenet/article. aspx? id=84699&_QSBPA=Y Kent, M. (2010, May 19). Enhancing our National Competitiveness. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from The Coca Cola Company: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/dynamic/leadershipviewpoints/2010/05/enhancing-our-national-competitiveness-is-not-an-option. htmlMacMinn, R. (2011). Theorems in Corporate Finance . Retrieved August 23, 2011, from MacMinn. ORG: http://macminn. org/Fin374/theorems/theorems. html The Coca Cola Company. (2011). Financial Statements. Retrieved August 9, 2011, from The Coca Cola Company. Com: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/investors/financial_statements. html Villamil, A. P. (2010, March 10). The Modigliani-Miller Theorem. Retrieved August 9, 2011, from Econometrics at the University of Illinois: http://www. econ. uiuc. edu/~avillami/course-files/PalgraveRev_ModiglianiMiller_

Saturday, September 14, 2019


There were 5 trials of 30 second intervals. After every trial the subject was asked to estimate the number of letters expected to be written correctly in the next trial. As the results showed, only 2 out of the 9 subjects were able to perfect the experiment. Majority of the 9 subjects committed tallest 2 errors in a trial. The most errors committed by a subject were 7 errors. As a conclusion, it can be said that the main objective of this experiment was accomplished. The class exhibited notable scores during the course of the activity and important lessons were relayed. L.Experimenting, although most are unaware about it, is a part of daily living. Say, experimenting with the route when going to school or to work, experimenting with clothes when dressing up, also, experimenting with ingredients when cooking. In life experimentation is simple however when it comes to Science, Experimentation entails so much more. The meaning of the word â€Å"experiment† on a Merriam Webster di ctionary is; a test or trial, an operation or procedure carried out under controlled conditions in order to discover an unknown effect or law to test or establish a hypothesis or to illustrate a known law.Wisped on the other hand says that an experiment is a methodical trial ND error procedure carried out with the goal of verifying, falsifying, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis. Furthermore, it says that experiments provide insight into cause-and-effect by demonstrating what outcome occurs when a particular factor is manipulated. Experiments vary greatly in their goal and scale, but always rely on repeatable procedure and logical analysis of the results. Experiments can vary from personal and informal to highly controlled. Uses of experiments vary considerably between the natural and social sciences.Having a clear vision of what experiment means, it would be easier to comprehend he process of â€Å"experimentation†. According to Anne Myers (2003) experimentation is a process undertaken to discover something new or to demonstrate that events that have already been observed will occur again under a particular set of conditions. When experimenting, systematically manipulate aspects of a setting to verify predictions about behavior under particular conditions. Experimentation is sometimes impossible. To do an experiment, predictions must be testable. Two minimum requirements must be met: First, having procedures for manipulating the setting.Second, the predicted outcome must be observable. To use experimentation, it is a must to have procedures to manipulate the environment, and to make predictions about observable outcomes. Experimentation must also be objective. Ideally, we do not bias results by setting up situations in which predictions can always be confirmed. Do not stack the deck in our favor by giving subjects subtle cues to respond in the desired way. Nor prevent them from responding in the non-predicted direction. In Psychology however, experimentation started with the intensive, prolonged study of the individual.This single-participant research strategy followed from the earlier scientific paradigms employed by physiologists. Foremost was the classic research of the great French physiologist Claude Bernard in the sass's. Barnyard's strategy of concentrating on the individual was widely accepted in physiology when he won a scientific argument concerning physiological knowledge of European urine. A proposal had been advanced to collect specimens of urine from a centrally located train station and compute average values. Psychology majors will eventually turn to experimentation to prove personal theories, assessments, beliefs, and curiosities.Hence the subject shall educate on how to conduct experiments reliably and convincingly. The conclusion which should be drawn from this experiment shall inform on the what, why and how of Experimentation. II. METHODS Procedure The experimenter (E) instructed the subject (S) to write the alphabet backwards (from Z to A) as rapidly as possible. There were 5 trials of 30 seconds each with a one- minute rest between trials. After the first trial the S reported the number of letters written and gave an estimate of the number expected in the second trial.After the second, third, and fourth trials the S reported the number estimated, the number achieved and the number estimated for the next trial. After the fifth trial only the estimated and achieved scores were reported. Apparatus For the experiment the tools used were: a pencil some scratch paper and a timer with second hand Ill. RESULTS Summarized Scores of Each Subject The table illustrates the scores of each subject from SSL to SO. Each subject was given 5 trials with 30 second intervals. The Right and Wrong answers are represented by (R) & (W) respectively. Results showed that 2 out of 9 subjects had no errors.SO made 2 errors during the first trial but perfected the activity throughout all the succeeding trials. SO and SO made no errors at all during trials 1 to last. SO showed an alternating score of 24 and 26 through trials 1 to last respectively. SO made an error during the 2nd trial but throughout all the trials the scores were perfect. SO showed a rise in the curve throughout trials 1 to last. Finally, SO showed a rise in the curve through trials 1 to 3 but dropped a point from the previous score in the last trial. For most of the subjects, there was a rise in the curve throughout the trials.

Friday, September 13, 2019

AVALANCHES AND LANDSLIDES Essays - Avalanches, Avalanche, Landslide

AVALANCHES AND LANDSLIDES Submitted to: Ms.Delgado GEOGRAPHY 12/9/96 By OUTLINE AVALANCHES AND LANDSLIDES 1. a.WHAT IS AN AVALANCHE OR LANDSLIDE? b.EXACTLY HOW DOES AN AVALANCHES OCCUR 2. a.I TALK A LITTLE ABOUT PAST AVALANCHES b.PAST DEATHS FROM AVALANCHES 3. a.CONCLUSION CLOSING OF MY REPORT AVALANCHES AND LANDSLIDES What is an avalanche? , well it's a large mass of snow and ice or of earth or rock sliding down a mountain side or a cliff. And how does an avalanche occur, well mainly they happen by vibrations caused by movement of the earth such as an earthquake, gunfire, rainy weather, and many more. Now I would like to talk a little about past avalanches and landslides that have occurred like the 1903 Frank landslide and avalanche that happened at the same time, in Alberta Canada it destroyed the parks canyons it's beautiful trees' it's wonderful sights and killed nearly one hundred people, and covered a small town near Alberta with ice and snow. Another devastating avalanche incident is the 1964 Sherman slide, in which a huge avalanche was triggered by the 1964 Alaskan earthquake. The slide spilled out onto the Sherman glacier, during the big slide several other smaller slides happened and those were the one that took lives in Anchorage, and destroyed property There are a couple of types of avalanches and how the destroy so much this one is named "Loose Snow Avalanches"1, it starts' in a small area then grows in size and mass as it descends.Another type is the "Slab Avalanche" it actually starts in a large area of ice and snow and then begins to slide. AVALANCHES AND LANDSLIDES On September 12 of 1717 crusaded down the Troilet, Italy glacier, gaining speed on a cushion of air reaching a falling velocity of km/hr over a 3600 m fall. Two towns were destroyed, with seven people killed and a 120 cows lost. The slosh of an avalanche ran up the far side of the valley at a speed of 125 km/hr. In developed areas such as ski resorts it is possible to predict avalanches because they are controlled with explosives and artillery. In a back-country areas it is possible to predict avalanches because the forecast relies on experience of the person making the observation. There are no computer models available to predict avalanches and therefore predictions are only accomplished by repetitive observations and knowledge of snow properties. Due to difficulty in reliable predictions method areas of avalanche hazards must rely on controlling or altering the effects of an avalanche. The back country explorer must be highly skilled in determining safe routes and rescue procedures over and above relying on predictions of avalanches for personal safety. Avalanches kill people many ways but the most common cause of death is suffocation. There is little air trapped in the avalanche and within a short period of time the victim loses consciousness and dies. A victim can also be killed from the force of the snow slamming into the body or by traveling in the avalanches and being smashed against trees and other objects. AVALANCHES AND LANDSLIDES Knowledge can help you avoid being caught by a snow avalanche, it may help you survive if you are buried. Snow avalanches are natural phenomena so complex one can never have all the information necessary to predict avalanche conditions with certainty. Well this is my report on avalanches hope you learned more on avalanches but we will never know all there is to know about avalanches, sorry it's not the five pages I was lucky to find this little amount of information. NOTES Mears,Ronald I., Design Criteria for Avalanche Control Structures in the Runout Zone,June1981. S.D., All You Ever Wanted To Know About Snow..., November 24, 1988. Snow Avalanches from Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics,Ryan, W.L. Snow Avalanche Hazards and Mitigation in the U.S. BIBLIOGRAPHY World Wide Web author . Avalanche weather station author . Snow and Weather disaster station.

Empirical Evaluation in Software Engineering Essay

Empirical Evaluation in Software Engineering - Essay Example The systems developed are inherently complex by nature not to mention that they are constantly changing and this has in a large part required empirical evaluations to be carried out especially with regards to the large systems so as to incorporate continuity. Question 2 What factors might make it difficult to conduct an empirical evaluation of the scenario? Explain five factors and relate each of them to the scenario. There are several factors that might make it difficult to conduct an empirical evaluation in this scenario. They include: i. The researcher’s inexperience. The complex nature of carrying out such tasks requires one to have experience in this field. In this scenario, the person concerned has not even studied this subject and this coul prove to be a mjor stumbling block. ii. Inadequate resources. In order to carry out an empirical evaluation, large amount of resources are required. In our scenario, it might not be possible to acquire adequate funding to carry out s uch a project and therefore transforming theory into reality via empirical evaluation might not be possible. iii. Cumbersome. ... v. Inadequate information.Another difficulty might come about when seeking further information with regards to the two methods. There is very little information on the matter as there has been little or no reaserch done cocerning this. Question 3 Using the Fenton and Pfleeger model, why is it hard to show that an lntegrated Development Environment (such as those stated in the scenario) leads to improvements in the software project, or in the quality of the software produced. The end product in software production is greatly dependent on two factors; the experience of the developers and the input applied to the development process. A high quality software at the end of the day should do what it was intended for but in a simpler manner and for this to come to fruittion, it depends largely on the design principles and the developer. The Integrated Development Environment lays more emphasis on the ease of use, manageability and user interfaces. This makes it more difficult to evaluate th e importance of determining the quality of the controls, resources and input since they are determined by the developers. Further, in order to determine the output, provision of empirical evidence is key so as to predict it. Coming back to our scenario, this is not practical because of the complexities and numerous functionalities of the environments (Lewis & Veerapillai 2005) Question 4 Critically discuss the benefits and limitations of the case study and the survey study to answer'- the friend's question. There are many benefits that can be realised through conducting a case study method in the evaluation process. Some of these benefits may include; quantifying of the various benefits and functionalities that may be realised in a single